About us

The Silverdale District Woodbank is a voluteer community group that carries out woodland management work to benefit local wildlife habitiats. We work with a number of local conservation organisation including:
Arnside and Silverdale National Landscape (formerly Arnside and Silverdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
Woodland Trust
Butterfly Conservation
National Trust
In return for their labour members earn a share of logs and coppice poles for theire own use.
We work co-operatively enabling people of all abilities to join in.
Officers of the Committee
Chair: The role is being covered by a Joint Chair Team (JCT) consisting of Lee Gascoyne and Pete Stevens
Treasurer: Tricia Keverne
Secretary: Peter Keverne
Membership Secretary: Geoff Wood
The Silverdale Woodbank is a not for profit company limited by guarantee. The directors delegate the running of the company to the elected committee.
Our Constitution can be downloaded here.